Pain Management

No everyone else doesn’t.


Let’s say out of a population of 330,000,000 how many would you say there are?

I’ll adjust my guess to from zero to less than .01% or 33,000 nationwide and I’m pretty sure even less than that among elected officials.

We’re talking people that want total gun confiscation, personal ownership of weapons banned or repeal of the 2nd Amendment.

The number is way higher just on Coogfans alone…. I don’t know what you have read or seen that suggested a number that low…… but there is no way that is true….

I’m not going to make this political but let’s just say there is a pretty significant amount of US citizens that think the 2nd amendment should be abolished…

I would say a minimum of 20% of Americans would repeal the law if possible….

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The poll pretty much backs you up at this point @Pollardsvision

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Yeah it does. Unfortunately some people on here have said they like to answer the opposite of
what they believe because they like to distort polls. So, if I could display who voted
for that, it would be interesting. Maybe the one that voted for it will man up and say it was me.

I can find that comment on here if your interested ?

I don’t doubt there is poll manipulation on here… :grin:

I still like to hear MOST of you folks’ thoughts on issues…

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Apr 4

Some really interesting results: 88% of the pop own a car but only 83% have a drivers License. Only 37% have a passport, 32% own a gun. Interesting stuff.

I don’t know how they got the results they did but whenever I get surveyed I usually do my best to try to give them the opposite of what they are looking for (or at least the opposite of what i think they are looking for). I never answer honestly on surveys, Especially political ones, unless republican of course.

That’s why I have a hard time trusting even the national polls… Political bias comes through in almost every facet of life for A LOT of Americans.

I’ve voted Democrat, Republican, and the majority of the time Libertarian in my life (not for president or senator).

I feel pretty disenfranchised by both parties, currently, to be completely honest. They both have issues I agree strongly with AND they both have strong stances on issues where I disagree with them… Like the current abortion stuff and gun ban talk… I’m at odds with the Republican party’s support of abortion bans but also don’t agree with gun/ammo bans… Although, I think age limits and waiting periods are fair game.


I think most people are intellectually honest.

That’s a tough one… I think most people want to be right.

That must be a terrible, empty, insecure feeling inside.
I like to be right, but I’ll take honesty as my
guiding principle, even if that means admitting I was
wrong. Which we all are at times.

The private gun confiscation could have been more taken in a couple of ways because it didn’t say all guns. It’s possible someone understood it as certain private guns they want banned (e.g. assault weapons) but not all.

Maybe not. Just a thought.

I don’t think Kyle is too far off in some cases. You see it on this board at times. I don’t think it’s most though.

Certainly true. Fair critique.Could have been worded better and I should have set public=true

Must be… I try to follow the data/facts to shape my opinions but that’s just what I’ve seen from A LOT of human beings… They will argue when they KNOW THEIR WRONG… Seen it too many times… :grin:


The love of guns or the hate of guns drives a lot of the current narrative. If you love your guns and they become venerated objects that you somehow link with patriotism and maybe even your religious beliefs, then more guns is better.

If you viscerally hate guns, then AGAB. Most of us are on a spectrum regarding guns. FWIW, pain drove the Tulsa shooter crazy, and this is the result. And assaults against medical workers are up, especially since Covid showed its face.

This Tulsa shooting was probably one of the hardest ones to sniff out beforehand.


Don’t we have that already with updates every week on the shootings in big cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Houston, etc? Or do those killings and injuries count? And doesn’t Chicago have some of the strictest gun laws in the land?


Polls are like statistics, you can always structure and manipulate them to get your desired outcome. I don’t put much stock into what polls say and I definitely don’t base my decisions, business and personal, on a poll.

I have seen anti-gun rallies on the news with people advocating no guns at all or no hand guns or guns they deem as assault rifles. I don’t know where you get your numbers, but they don’t jive with many things I have seen on the various news channels.